Ready template or ready demo, which is correct?

In the space of website design, especially in the work area of WordPress website designers, you will come across several words such as page builder, template, and demo, each of which is different from each other.

Finally, which one is the ready template or the ready demo? We must say that all 2 of these cases, but where this and where that. The difference between these two is like ready-made cake and cake powder. The ready-made mold is a cake powder that you can use other additives such as eggs or other things during its preparation, but the ready-made demo is actually a ready-made cake that you can finally decorate with chocolate powder or fruit.

A ready-made demo is actually a website that was written by a designer with a page builder or even specially coded, which is limited to make changes and you can only touch it after loading it. In this way, for example, delete or add some tables or images or, for example, activate or deactivate a number of elements that the designer has already considered for it. Therefore, in the ready demo, changes are only possible in the UI part with limitations.

The ready-made template brings you the possibility of more changes. WordPress works to design the website using page builders with templates suitable for the topic of that site. For example, some use the Flatsum template for design to work with the UX builder page. This mold is the same as our cake powder, whose destiny is cake, but with the difference that you are free to choose what kind of cake, chocolate or vanilla!

Of course, some WordPress designers to build a website according to the needs of the employer, while using a page builder to create some of the required features, also start coding, which is a bit problematic in ready-made demos, so if you decide to If you just want to have a website in a short period of time that is looking for less ambitious goals, a ready-made demo can be a suitable option for you, but if your goals and needs are a bit big, it is better to use a ready-made template.

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