Digital marketing agency

Online store design

Online store design
Online store design

Along with the store’s mobile application

How will online store design transform your business?

By increasing accuracy, ease and speed in choosing products, evaluating and finally ordering them online, store website design can take an important step to reduce the complications of people’s physical presence in the city and also be a suitable platform for job creation for small businesses. Therefore, in many countries of the world, including Iran, numerous online stores have been developed in the last few decades. Undoubtedly, setting up an online store, despite the expertise and experience it requires, can be called the best way to earn money through the Internet, especially in the 21st century, and even many retail chain stores offering a variety of consumer and cultural products, despite the physical distribution of goods. In their branches across the city, they have developed an online store site to increase sales and also reduce the crowding of people at their workplace during the busy hours of the day. Today, most people do a search on Google before buying a product or service. Find thousands of new customers by introducing your product or service in your online store. Increase your sales speed by connecting to banking portals and multiply your income.

Online store design

Internet store design features

Online store design

Unlimited products

Infinite definition of product (physical and downloadable), product category and product feature

Online store design

Search and filter

Online store design


Online store design

the payment

Online store design

User profile

Online store design


Online store design

Advanced facilities

Online store design

Types of menu

Online store design

Fully responsive

Online store design

Connecting to social networks

Online store design

Introduction on Google

Online store design

Security and updates

Online store design examples

Semi-professional plan

Semi-professional plan

Professional plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Semi-professional plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Basic plan

Online store design

Why design an online store?

Today is the age of online advancement. Would you believe that the day will come when even food products will be offered online? This development is moving forward at such a speed that one day you may feel that you are left behind; So, before it’s too late, you should think and start an activity. Designing an online store is not only for digital goods, but you can also design an online store based on products like Digikala. So be sure that designing a store website can sell both products and services. But the important issue here is how to design this online store? Or what facilities and people can we get help from to design an online store? We will answer your questions and bring you closer to the goal.

The best features of an online store

In order to learn about something, you must first know its features and characteristics. Of course, before you know how to design an online store, you must know the features of designing a store website.

You must act in the design of the online store in such a way that you can cover an infinite number of products. You should also see if the store you are designing is related to virtual product services or physical products. These two have differences and naturally different plans are considered for each.
In both cases, there should be no restrictions for you. These limitations are the time of designing a store website and adding products, adding the desired features to it, various filters, the possibility of searching, etc., among the examples that are required for designing an online store.

Remember, the first word is the customer. Everything you do should be aimed at customer satisfaction. In the design of the online store, you must take steps to attract many customers and make them loyal to you. User-friendliness is one of the steps that must be taken into account when designing an online store. No matter how you calculate it, an online store has its own complications, but you have to take steps to remove these limitations. For this purpose, you should simplify the access levels as much as possible so that the customer can easily see everything he wants and buy the product in a few simple steps. Of course, this is the designer’s duty and he should pay special attention to this issue.

Surely there are sections in the online store that need to provide guidance to customers. For this purpose, guidance should be considered on how customers should work with the online store to achieve their goals. This way, you can be sure that the customer understands what you mean, and on the other hand, you give them the confidence that you are always aware of them and their performance.

One of the most important issues is security. In fact, if you do not observe security in the design of the online store, you will certainly face failure. But how can this security be observed when designing a store website?
Certainly with standard and correct coding. If you are careless in your coding, you may face a big security breach in the future. Or if you install plugins that are not of good standard, you can easily be attacked. So please use the utmost care in designing the website and after that ensure the security of the online store with online tools and reliable plugins.

An important part that you should consider in the design of the online store is the steps of electronic payment and connecting to the portal. This part should be completely standard and away from problems; Otherwise, you will face a big label of distrust from the customer side that will never be removed. Therefore, sufficient care must be taken in the design of the store website and the design of payment procedures.

Regardless, the appearance of the case cannot be ignored. Appearance is always what the customer pays attention to. In the design of the online store, we must consider the factors of beauty and attractiveness; Also, you should be careful in choosing product images from the very beginning. When the customer sees the product completely virtually, he must be able to recognize what this product is like, otherwise he will give up on buying the product and prefer to see and buy it physically later.

If you are a website designer yourself, that’s fine, but if you are going to leave your website design to others, be very careful. It should be entrusted to a person or a team who will charge you an affordable price while doing the work professionally.
Now the question arises, should we design our site ourselves or leave it to a team that is an expert?
Designing a store website is a highly specialized profession that must be done according to certain principles and rules. If you are familiar with these rules, you can do it yourself. Just follow the features and principles. But if you can’t, never do it and leave it to expert people and teams like development assistant.

What services do we provide at Hamyar Development for online store design?

  • Designing a store website with a reliable and professional WordPress and WooCommerce system: We design a professional store website for you with the help of a powerful system called WordPress and the WooCommerce store builder plugin.
  • We survey the customer about the appearance of the site and work according to his wishes, unless the customer chooses the design to our taste.
  • Design support for graphic page builders
    It has an advanced management panel to manage, apply changes and add and remove products
  • Define special pages for desired purposes
    Add and remove necessary and desired lists
  • Complete information about shipping, payment gateways, accounts settlement and…
  • And dozens of other facilities and services that you can see in the price plans of the online store.
Online store design

Things that you will definitely see in the design of the Hamyar Ezhanseh online store:

We have considered all the mentioned possibilities for you in the development partner and we try to provide the best plan to the customer according to your needs. Also, in several stages, we show the desired design to the customer and troubleshoot. If you, as a customer, have any dissatisfaction with the design of your store website, we will investigate and fix the problem. Also, warranty support and modification after delivery is considered for you, and if you have a problem, it will be dealt with and fixed within the specified period of time, so that you can earn money from your store with peace of mind.

Online store design
  • Infinite definition of the product and adding it to the online store without any restrictions
  • The ability to search and filter products for users to easily access products and find them quickly
  • Specify the types of transportation methods
    Providing payment methods and compatibility with payment gateways
  • Creating profiles and user panels for online store customers
    Creating the possibility of percentage, numerical, etc. discounts for products at the desired times
  • Settings related to the statistical section for reporting on the performance of the store
  • Defining professional menus in a simple and cascading manner in the store
  • Fully responsive and flawless design for online store
  • Connecting the online store to social networks
  • Optimizing the online store in search engines: Introducing the store to
  • search engines like Google
  • Multiple updates

All kinds of store site design plans, co-developer

We will help you in your business development needs

Basic plan

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In this plan, the design is done from zero to one hundred with the FlatSam template and the UX builder page. In this plan, the design team will design and implement the website according to your taste after receiving your comments. The estimated time of design and launch in this plan is between 15 and 25 working days.

Semi-professional plan

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In this plan, the design is done with Elementor's page builder, and here our technical experts will help you so that the website design, while having an ideal design, is done in the direction of your marketing goals. It will be up to 35 working days.

Professional plan

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In this plan, the design process is different, so that first the design team designs UX/UI separately, and then the desired design is implemented by the technical team. It should be noted that all sections in this plan are designed graphically. The estimated time of design and launch in this plan will be between 35 and 45 working days.

Programming plan

براساس نیاز قیمت متغیر

In this plan, the site must be coded in a completely exclusive way. The development assistant, with his own programming team, has the possibility to design the websites and platforms required by your business. Some design and setup time in this The plan is estimated based on the requirements of the project.